
There are a number of ways an Airsoft replica can be upgraded, from extremely high rate of fire builds, to long range high power, bulletproof reliability, or whisper quiet builds. The key thing to remember is that no replica can reasonably be all things at once. There are trade offs to be made, a build with an extremely high rate of fire will see some reduction to accuracy for example, and a high power DMR build is likely to be louder.

You may have a build planned out in detail, or a notion of an area of performance you would like to improve, either way I will work with you to achieve a reliable build that makes sense for your budget. Beware the term ‘fully upgraded’, simply replacing every internal part is most often not a solution that will give the best performance, and is most often a waste of your budget. Having a red anodized spring guide looks nice when you open the gearbox, but that money could have bought a good hop up rubber and given a real improvement on the field.

Please see the Gallery for examples of paint and other types of work.

Using the form below please let me know what you are looking for from an upgrade, what you are trying to improve, and what your budget is.