An example of 'Field expedient' style paint. A scheme designed to look like a simple quick pattern that might be applied by a soldier in the field. Wide range of colours and patterns available.
Full restoration of action, barrel and furniture. Extensive corrosion of original finish removed and a hard wearing satin black applied. Wood kit modified to fit, smoothed, stained and a satin lacquer to protect the whole replica. Custom internals providing Hop-Up on a replica built without it.
Tokyo Marui G18C - PGC Aluminium slide and steel outer barrel, kit modified slightly to provide smoother and snappier action. Extensive internal modifications geared towards longevity and performance.
An excellent example of less being more. Tokyo Marui 1911, thought to be on its last legs by the owner. After a good clean, a fresh hop up rubber and some improved gas routers in the magazines it functions better than ever.